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Bereavement, grief, loss - peer support forum


Bereavement, grief, loss

Do you suffer from bereavement, grief, loss?


For a lot of people it's helpful to write down and share their story. This open forum is a great place for:


  • Getting things off your chest.
  • Reading the stories of peers.
  • Connecting with peers and responding to stories.


Read the stories of other people with feelings of bereavement, grief and loss and share your story.


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I miss my mother (Story 18)

I miss my mother

When my mother died I felt immensely sad. I still cannot say that time heals, when I think about my mother and how she fought her disease and how we found her... I get the shivers.

I feel the need to talk, but I have the idea that the people around me do not share that need or even avoid me. Maybe they are afraid I get emotional. Sometimes that is so, but not always.

So I cry secretly, alone. When I do that, I can relax again.

I feel I miss her in my whole body. Sometimes I don´t know how I can do without her.
And other moments I feel fine, because I know that she is proud of me and how I am doing.

I would like to feel more joy again, but there are so many things that remind me of her.

> 2 years ago

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More and more I feel the emptiness (Story 17)

My wife died years ago. In the beginning I managed quite well to pick up my life again. But over the years it gets harder. I feel more and more the emptiness that she has left behind.

People around me don´t really know. In the beginning I got support, but after a while everybody thought that I was fine.

> 2 years ago

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