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I have "Fear of Missing Out"

I'm always scared I'll miss something. If there is an activity somewhere, or I've received an invitation, want to go there, because I'm scared that it might be fun and I don't want to miss it.

Even when I feel that I need some rest and probably should stay at home on the couch, the fear of missing something can become so immense that I "have" to go.

This fear also causes that I'm continuously checking my mobile phone and facebook. It appears that there's also a name for this: Fear of Missing Out (FOMO).

It causes an almost continous anxious feeling.

I would love to feel more relaxed.

> 2 years ago

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Wow, I recognize this very much! Didn't know there was a name for it. When you find out how to deal with this, I'd love to hear some tips!

> 2 years ago

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