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Hypnotherapy helped me to learn to relax

Hypnotherapy helped me to learn to relax

Five years ago I was looking for some kind of support to learn to relax. I was suffering immensely from the daily stress at work and all other obligations. Acupuncture was not sufficient, so I looked for something else.

Via my girlfriend I ended up with a hypnotherapist. At the time I had my first visit there, I was not feeling well at all, so it came just in the right time.

During the first sessions I felt a bit insecure - would I wake up again from the hypnoses and what if I would fall in a deep sleep? but all went perfect.

I felt relaxed and was able to consciously hear everything that was said. After three sessions I felt reborn.

It's very strange, but you really feel that something is changing in your body and mind. Now I do regularly self-hypnoses when I have a hard time.

I also regularly go back to the hypnotherapist for "maintainance". That is very nourishing. It is a fantastic way to get rid of a problem without medication. I would recommend it to anybody!

> 2 years ago

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