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Continuously the feeling I am supposed to do many things

Every time again I experience times of stress in my life and I don't really now how to prevent that. It always feels like a kind of breakdown

I have a continuous feeling that I am supposed to something and there's still a long list of todo's waiting for me. In this time of fast media, I also always have the feeling that I have to respond very fast.

The things that are on my todolist, also really need to happen. I try to change that, but I simply do not manage. It's just like it is my fate, that I will always have to experience stress to get everything done.

It feels like I cannot relax anymore and there is no time at all anymore for 'me-time'. How do I get out of this?

> 2 years ago

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Hello L.P.
When you would get in touch with a coach an talk about this, you might gain some clarity. What are possible causes? Are there things that supported you the moments that it went well? What was different then?

> 2 years ago

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